Workshop zu Markt und Moral (Berlin)

An Nikolaus findet an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin ein Workshop zum Verhältnis von Markt und Moral statt. Auf der von Rahel Jaeggi, Stefan Gosepath und Lisa Herzog organisierten Veranstaltung soll u.a. von Nancy Fraser und Christian Neuhäuser die Frage der Normativität von Märkten diskutiert werden. Eine kurze Beschreibung, worum es geht, findet ihr unter dem Strich. Wer am 06. Dezember dabei sein will, muss sich verpflichtend unter anmelden und erhält dort auch weitere Informationen.

Markets and Morality – A workshop on normative questions about markets at
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 6th

At least since Mandeville’s infamous Fable of the Bees, friends and foes
of markets have argued about their normative value and their compatibility
with principles of mo-rality. While economic theorizing has mostly focused
on functional aspects of mar-kets, normative philosophy asks about ways in
which markets can be considered in their relation to principles and
values. Doings this requires not only conceptual clarifi-cations – What
are markets? What is capitalism? – but also the exploration of those
principles and values that are supported or undermined by markets. It also
implies thinking about practical mechanisms for moralizing markets, and
for embedding them in the structures of a just society.

The workshop will discuss some of these questions in an interdisciplinary
perspec-tive. Speakers include Nancy Fraser, Sanjay Reddy, Lisa Herzog,
Christian Neu-häuser and Albena Azmanova.

Organized by:
Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi, Rahel Jaeggi, Professor for Social and Political
Philosophy, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath, Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at
Freie Uni-versität Berlin and Director of the Centre of Advanced Studies
“Justitia Amplificata”, Frankfurt a.M./Berlin
Dr. Lisa Herzog, Postdoc at Institut für Sozialforschung and Cluster
Normative Or-ders Frankfurt a.M.
In cooperation with Einstein Stiftung Berlin

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