Professur und Post-Doc in Edinburgh und Wien

Wir möchten Euch auf zwei Stellenanzeigen hinweisen, die bei uns eingegangen sind. Zum einen eine Professur in Politischer Theorie an der University of Edinburgh, um die man sich bis zum 8. März bewerben kann, zum anderen erneut ein Postdoc in Wien– diesmal mit Schwerpunkt auf Geschlechtertheorie. Die Details erfahrt Ihr nach dem Klick.

Chair in Political Theory
Vacancy Ref: : 010123 Closing Date : 08-Mar-2013
Contact Person : Tim Hayward Contact Number : +44 (0)131 650 4238
Contact Email :
We seek to appoint an outstanding candidate for a Chair in Political Theory, with a focus on the normative dimensions of public and international affairs. The Chair will be located in the Politics and International Relations subject area of the School of Social and Political Science.

The successful candidate will be internationally recognised as a leader in the research field; will possess teaching and supervision skills and experience of exceptional quality; and will further the School’s international reputation for research and its commitment to excellence in teaching and administration.

The position is available from 1st August 2013

This is a Grade 10 post (attracting a salary of between £54,826 -£75,109 per annum)

Closing Date: 8th March 2013


Applications are invited for a Chair in Political Theory, with a focus on the normative dimensions of public and international affairs. The successful candidate will have a proven record of research excellence in normative political theory and its application to the critical analysis of contemporary political issues.

We would especially welcome applications from candidates whose work is concerned directly or indirectly with international or trans-national dimensions of political theory and practice, including normative interests relating to international political economy, international law or global governance and environmental issues.

The successful candidate’s profile will include a world-leading publication profile along with proven results in attracting research funding.

The successful appointee will contribute to assuring and developing excellence in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in contributions to existing courses and to the development of new programmes and courses.

The successful candidate will be expected to provide strong academic and strategic leadership, both through their own research and by working closely and supportively with colleagues, to identify and realise possibilities for externally funded individual and collaborative research.

She or he will be expected to guide the intellectual and organisational development of work in political theory and cognate disciplines within the Politics and International Relations subject group, the Just World Institute, and more widely across the School and College, by contributing a breadth of intellectual perspective and strategic capacity to bring together different areas of research.

He or she will also play an important role in the recruitment and supervision of high-quality postgraduate research students.

The successful candidate’s profile will include:

• A PhD
• Leadership qualities in research and/or teaching
• A track record in attracting and managing substantial research funding grants.
• A track record of exceptional publications in high impact journals and publishing houses
• Commitment to (and evidence of) excellence in teaching, and ability to develop courses
• Commitment to (and evidence of) excellence in the supervision of postgraduate research students
• The ability to connect to the wider community through knowledge exchange and outreach

Political Theory at Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh has a proud tradition in political theory: from David Hume to the late Neil MacCormick, individuals connected to the University have made significant contributions to the field. Political Theory at Edinburgh today is primarily based in Politics and International Relations (PIR). In the 50 years of its existence, PIR has made just 8 appointments in Political Theory, but these include an enviable concentration of world-leading scholars:

Jeremy Waldron (now Chichelle professor at Oxford; also at NYU)
Richard Bellamy (now professor at UCL)
Russell Keat (Chair of Political Theory 1993-2006; now emeritus professor at Edinburgh)
Cecile Fabre (Chair of Political Theory 2006-2010; now professor at Oxford)
Kimberly Hutchings (now professor at LSE)

Two appointed political theorists currently at Edinburgh are Tim Hayward and Elizabeth Cripps; Lynn Dobson and Mathias Thaler also primarily identify with the Political Theory subdiscipline within PIR.

Political Theory is today a central and critical part of both teaching and research in Politics and International Relations. The undergraduate curriculum is currently being revised to include enhanced Political Theory provision; and at masters level, we have a strategic aim of expanding provision, including in the broad areas of global justice and human rights. Political Theory has a long-established research group that holds a weekly seminar involving colleagues and postgraduate students not only from PIR but also from Philosophy and Law, as well as members of other Schools and other universities including Lancaster, York, St Andrews, Newcastle, Stirling and Glasgow. The Political Theory Research Group is a core part of the Just World Institute (JWI), supporting scholarly discussion of contemporary ethical concerns associated with public and international affairs, especially global issues of wealth/poverty, conflict/peace, and the environment.

Application Procedure

It is expected that interviews for the post will be held on 23rd April 2013. The selection procedure will involve an interview, which will be preceded by a presentation attended by members of PIR, and by other constituents of the School. Details of requirements for the presentation will be included in invitations to interview.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Tim Hayward, Head of Politics and International Relations.

Unless applicants signal that they withhold their permission, members of the subject area will be given an opportunity to inspect, in confidence, the letters of application and CVs of those who apply for this post, and the letters of application and CVs of short-listed applicants will be made available for inspection by all those attending any presentations prior to interview. Applicants should supply contact details of three referees, one of whom should be from their current institution. References will be confidential to the selection panel.

Stellenausschreibung PoWi/Wien

An der Universität Wien (mit 15 Fakultäten, 4 Zentren, rund 188 Studienrichtungen, ca. 9.400 Mitarbeiter/innen und über 90.000 Studierenden) ist ehestmöglich die Position einer/eines

Universitätsassistent/in („post doc“)
am Institut für Politikwissenschaft

zu besetzen.

Kennzahl der Ausschreibung: 3536

Das Institut für Politikwissenschaft ist die größte politikwissenschaftliche Lehreinrichtung in Österreich und eine der größten in Europa. Von den wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen des Instituts wird besonders auf dem Feld der Internationalen Umweltpolitik, Life Science Governance, der Theorienforschung, Demokratieentwicklung und Governance in der EU, Migration und Integration in Europa, der Erforschung des Geschlechterverhältnisses und seiner Rolle für den politischen und sozialen Wandel, auf dem Feld der Osteuropastudien sowie der Visual Studies international anerkannte Forschungsarbeit geleistet.

Dauer der Befristung: 6 Jahr/e

Beschäftigungsausmaß: 20 Stunden/Woche.
Einstufung gemäß Kollektivvertrag: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc)
Darüber hinaus können anrechenbare Berufserfahrungen die Einstufung und damit das Entgelt bestimmen.

Ihre Aufgaben:
– Mitarbeit im Bereich „Governance und Geschlecht“ in Forschung, Lehre und Administration
– Erarbeitung einer Habilitation
– Mitwirkung in Forschungsprojekten und Drittmitteleinwerbung
– (Internationale) Publikations- und Vortragstätigkeit
– Selbstständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen

Ihr Profil:
– Abgeschlossenes Doktoratsstudium Politikwissenschaft
– Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich politische Theorie und/oder Theorien des Geschlechterverhältnisses
– Lehrerfahrung
– Erfahrung im Wissenschaftsmanagement
– Erfahrung in der Drittmittelakquise
– Ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
– Teamfähigkeit

Einzureichende Unterlagen:
– Motivationsschreiben
– Wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf
– Publikationsverzeichnis
– Beschreibung der Forschungsinteressen / des Habilitationsvorhabens

Spezielle Forschungsfächer Wichtigkeit
Politikwissenschaft (Sozialwissenschaften)
Politikwissenschaft (Politische Wissenschaften) Musskriterium

Ihre Bewerbung:
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit Motivationsschreiben unter der Kennzahl 3536, welche Sie bis zum 28.02.2013 bevorzugt über unser Job Center ( an uns übermitteln.

Für nähere Auskünfte über die ausgeschriebene Position wenden Sie sich bitte an Kathan, Michaela +43-1-4277-47708.

Die Universität Wien strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen und beim Wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Frauen werden bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.

DLE Personalwesen und Frauenförderung der Universität Wien
Kennzahl der Ausschreibung: 3536