Am 9. und 10. Juni findet in St. Gallen ein Workshop zu Internationalen Organisationen und den diese umgebenden Legitimitätsfragen statt. Deadline für Abstracts ist der 1. März. Die Konferenz klingt ganz attraktiv, da interdiszplinär, Journalveröffentlichung angedacht und auch Kostenübernahmen könnten möglich sein. Viel Erfolg also bei den Bewerbungen. Alle Infos unter dem Strich.
The Causes, Consequences, and Democratic Legitimacy of International
Kick-Off Workshop of the Research Program >Global Democratic Governance<
University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
June 9-10, 2011
We invite submissions for the first workshop on the causes, consequences,
and democratic legitimacy of international institutions, to be held in St.
Gallen, Switzerland, June 9-10, 2011. The two-day workshop will bring
together political scientists, economists, and scholars from law and other
disciplines to address interdisciplinary issues regarding the causes,
effects, and the desirability of the increased delegation of decision-making
authority to international governmental and non-governmental institutions.
Topics to be addressed include:
– The democratic legitimacy of international institutions
– The effects of globalization on governance at the national level
– The causes, consequences, and effectiveness of different types of
international institutions
– The designs and normative implications of international governance
– Transparency and accountability of international institutions
– Globalization and the future of international governance arrangements
Submission of Papers
Both empirical and theoretical papers will be considered. Please submit
abstracts of no more than 500 words together with your full contact details
as a pdf-file to the two workshop organizers (see e-mail addresses below).
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2011. Decisions on acceptance of
submitted papers will be communicated by mid-March. Final papers are to be
circulated two weeks before the workshop.
Workshop Format
The number of paper presenters will be limited to about 30, and we aim for a
mix of established and junior scholars. There is no registration or workshop
fee. Coverage of travel and accommodation costs may be possible, but is yet
to be determined. The publication of select papers as a special journal
issue is planned.
Please send submissions or any questions you may have to the workshop
Andreas von Staden
Assistant Professor of International Organization
Samia Costa
Assistant Professor of Political Economy
[via IB-Liste]
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