CfA: Sozialwissenschaftliche Summer School in Berlin

Auch die Berlin Summer School of Social Sciences zum Thema Theorie und Empirie lockt dieses Jahr wieder und erwartet Bewerbungen bis zum 31. März. Alle weiteren Infos zur Ausschreibung nach dem Klick.

Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences Linking Theory and Empirical Research (Berlin, July 15-27, 2012)

The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences ? Linking Theory and Empirical Research aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research.

In a first step, we tackle the key methodological challenges of concept-building, causation and micro-macro-linkage that occur in all research efforts and aim at a clarification of the epistemological implications underlying methodological paradigms. In a second step, we apply these methodological considerations by looking at how central empirical fields of research in political science and sociology have dealt with these challenges – by referring to selected empirical studies – what solutions have been found to overcome them. Furthermore, participants are provided with hands-on research advice and have the opportunity to present their own work and approaches to these issues.

The Berlin Summer School is a joint endeavor of two of Germany?s leading social science institutions, the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

(BGSS) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

The two-week summer school both attracts internationally renowned scholars and draws on Berlin-based faculty. Among the confirmed international lecturers are Delia Baldassarri (Princeton University), Peter Bearman (Columbia University), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley), Craig Calhoun (NYU/LSE), Donatella Della Porta (EUI), Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan), and Klaus von Beyme (Universität Heidelberg).

The international summer school is open to thirty PhD candidates. Due to generous funding by the BGSS and the WZB, there will be no tuition fee. We have applied for additional funding and thus might be able to cover travel and accommodation costs for all participants. A decision is expected soon.

Five ECTS Credit Points can be granted upon successful completion.

The call for applications has opened. Applications can be submitted online via the application form until March 31, 2012.

For additional information, please visit our webpage at or contact directly Andreas Schäfer at