Für das International Studies Compendium Project (eine zwölfbändige Enzyklopädie über zentrale Ansätze in den IB inkl. Online-Ressource) ist derzeit ein Call veröffentlicht für den Beitrag zum Band für International Relations Theory. Erbeten werden unter anderem Aufsätze zu normativer Politischer Theorie, Kritischer Theorie, Liberalismus und Postkolonialismus. Die Beiträge sind Peer-Reviewed und sollen jeweils den State of the Art zusammenfassen (10.000 Wörter). Alle Infos und wie man sich für das Schreiben eines Beitrags bewirbt findet ihr unten:
We would like to invite contributions to the International Relations Theory Section of the International Studies Compendium Project, published by Wiley-Blackwell in association with the International Studies Association, and edited by Renée Marlin-Bennett (http://www.isacompendium.com/public/).
In addition to the 12-volume International Studies Encyclopedia available in print since 2010, the Compendium is accessible as an online reference (International Studies Online) which is updated annually, and constitutes an important and unique resource for scholars and students in international studies.
Compendium entries are 10,000-word *peer-reviewed* essays, offering up-to-date and sophisticated reviews of the literature pertaining to core issues in the field. A list of available essays in the IR Theory Section is copied below. We are now looking for submissions on the following themes:
1. Normative Theory
2. Idealism/Liberalism
3. Critical Theory
4. Practice Turn/Theory
5. International Society
6. Religion in IR
7. Biopower
8. Postcolonialism
If you are interested in submitting an essay on any one of these themes, or would like to suggest others, please contact the Section co-editors Inanna Hamati-Ataya (
inh3@aber.ac.uk) and Jonathan Joseph (
j.joseph@sheffield.ac.uk). We look forward to hearing from both established and junior scholars, including advanced PhD students with relevant expertise on the proposed topics.
List of entries – International Relations Theory:
Behavioralism (Inanna Hamati-Ataya)
Comparative Civilizations (David Wilkinson)
Evolutionary Systems Theory (Joachim K. Renntisch)
Feminism and Gender Studies in International Relations Theory (Jacqui True)
Genocide (Kenneth J. Campbell)
The History of International Studies (Brian C. Schmidt)
Identity in International Relations (Felix Berenskoetter)
IR as a Social Science/IR as an American Social Science (TBC)
Is There a Discipline of IR? A Heterodox Perspective (Ralph Pettman)
Linguistic Models in International Studies (Gavan Duffy and Sean Miskell)
Neoclassical Realism (Norrin M. Ripsman)
Norms and Social Constructivism in International Relations (Matthew J. Hoffmann)
Ontologies of IR (TBC)
Political Demography (Tadeusz Kugler and Jacek Kugler)
Postinternational Theory (Yale H. Ferguson and Richard W. Mansbach)
Poststructuralism/Postmodernism (TBC)
Sovereignty as a Problematic Conceptual Core (Rosemary E. Shinko)
Structural Realism/Offensive and Defensive Realism (Steven E. Lobell)
Teaching International Relations Theory (Craig Douglas Albert)
The Third Debate and Postpositivism (TBC)
What is Theory? (Patrick Thaddeus Jackson)
World System History (Robert E. Denemark)
World Society, World-Polity Theory, and International Relations (John Boli, Selina Gallo-Cruz and Matt Mathias)
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