CfP: WISC Fourth Global International Studies Conference 2014 in Frankfurt

Die „Fourth Global International Studies Conference“ des World International Studies Committee (WISC) findet im kommenden Jahr in Frankfurt statt, und zwar vom 6.-9. August 2014. Das Konferenzthema lautet „Justice, Peace and Stability: Risks and Opportunities for Governance and Development“; Vorschläge für Vorträge und Panels können ab sofort und bis zum 30. November 2013 nach erfolgter Registrierung online eingereicht werden. Den Call for Papers und Panels sowie alle weiteren Informationen findet Ihr hier oder auch nach dem Klick.

Fourth Global International Studies Conference, Frankfurt 2014 (August 6-9)

Justice, Peace and Stability: Risks and Opportunities for Governance and Development

People and nations aspire for justice, peace and stability and yet we live in a real world of conflicts, inequality and imbalances of different sorts. Illusions about universal democratic future are gone, new tensions and cleavages arise. Trajectories of political and social transformations become ever more divergent. Modern states exhibit varying types of stateness and institutional quality with no ideal model fit for all. Gaps in development increase.

This reality challenges us with a wide spectrum of risks and at the same time offers unprecedented opportunities. Which directions we go and how we manage the journey remains a question. Problems of governance and development in the modern world are among the most pressing for politicians and scholars. How should we conceive of central concepts such as security, statehood and development in an era of economic and political upheaval? How to attain better governance within the states and among them? Which national and international institutions are better fit to meet new challenges?  Which priorities should be put forward to advance development and make it sustainable?

We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions to address these and other questions. And we encourage panels and papers on the following themes:

  1. Chaos vs. regulation
  2. Shaping the globe: which actors matter?
  3. Justice, peace and stability: research and reality
  4. Economic justice and stability in times of crisis
  5. Different states, different stateness, different institutions
  6. “Better governance” or “good enough governance”?
  7. Global financial governance
  8. Beyond “development” – Towards “well-being”?
  9. The future of foreign aid
  10. Security and development, civil and military cooperation: pitfalls and opportunities
  11. Bringing the state back in: implications for world politics
  12. Transformations of the international order
  13. Municipality—state, region, globe: connections and divides
  14. South-South cooperation
  15. Diplomacy in the 21st Century
  16. Globalization of time and space in world politics
  17. Changing status of the Great Powers
  18. Security beyond the state
  19. Revenge of sovereignty?
  20. Power in world politics: national, global, transnational
  21. Expansion and development of international law
  22. Global civil society in the making?
  23. Diffusion and importation of ideas and institutions
  24. History and evolution of the discipline of IR
  25. Ontology, epistemology and methodology in IR
  26. Beyond the divide: qualitative and quantitative methods in IR
  27. G8, G20, BRICS, what’s next?
  28. Ethics and values for governing the globe
  29. Demography and migration
  30. Teaching and learning international studies
  31. Diversity of norms and political attitudes.


Individuals may propose papers or panels by registering as a user and uploading the respective proposals to the conference registration system accessible here. A panel consists of four papers, a discussant/chairperson, or it can take the form of a roundtable. A roundtable consists of up to 8 participants and a chairperson. Each panel and roundtable lasts for 105 minutes. Paper-givers will have no more than 12 minutes for their presentation, as will the discussant. Chairpersons of both panels and roundtables should leave 30 minutes for discussion from the floor.

Papers will be given in English and will have to be uploaded on the conference registration system. Powerpoint presentation will be possible. A paper will be allocated to an appropriate panel, tabled or rejected. A tabled paper is an official contribution to the Conference but one that will not be discussed in a panel due to the exigencies of time, space or topic. Section and Panel proposals should include an international element among its participants or the Programme Committee may exercise its prerogative to include such an element. It is expected that paper givers will circulate their paper to all other participants on their panel in a timely fashion.

The Conference is open to all members of any WISC member organization and to others with like interests in the scholarly and practical aspects of international studies. The Programme Committee reserves the right to refuse permission to participate. Decisions of the Programme Committee are final.

Deadline for submissions of proposals is 30 November 2013

The deadline for responding to submissions is 1 February 2014. The Programme Committee will, however, confirm acceptance of submissions before the deadline. This implies that early submission is recommended. Proposals received after the deadline are unlikely to be included in the Programme.