An der Université de Fribourg sind im Projekt ‚Authority and Territory‘ (geleitet von Ralf Bader) insgesamt drei Stellen in der Politischen Philosophie ausgeschrieben: Zwei Doktorandenstellen, die einen Schwerpunkt in Feldern wie political obligation, authority, territorial rights aufweisen sollen und eine PostDoc-Stelle. . Alle tellen laufen für vier jahre, als Beginn wird der 15. September angepeilt. Alle Infos unten oder hier auf der Webseite).
Two funded 4-year PhD positions in Political Philosophy at the Université de Fribourg
Applications are invited for two funded 4-year PhD positions in political philosophy at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. The positions are part of the SNF research project ‚Authority and Territory‘ directed by Ralf Bader.
– Master’s degree or equivalent in philosophy.
– Very good knowledge of English.
– PhD project in political philosophy related to the research project (e.g. political obligation, authority, territorial rights).
Salary range:
CHF 47,040 per annum in the 1st year up to CHF 50,040 per annum in the 4th year.
Starting date:
1st September 2022 or to be agreed.
Duration of employment:
The appointment is for 4 years.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Applications consisting of:
1. curriculum vitae,
2. a research proposal for a doctoral thesis of about 2-4 pages,
3. a writing sample of about 15-20 pages
should be sent by email to:
Two confidential letters of recommendation should also be sent by email to:
4-year post-doc position in Political Philosophy at the Université de Fribourg
Applications are invited for a 4-year post-doc position in political philosophy at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. The position is part of the SNF research project ‚Authority and Territory‘ directed by Ralf Bader.
– PhD degree in philosophy.
– Very good knowledge of English.
– A research project in political philosophy related to the project ‚Authority and Territory‘ (e.g. political obligation, authority, territorial rights).
Salary range:
CHF 81,115.45 — CHF 88,934.30 per annum, depending on prior experience.
Starting date:
1st September 2022 or to be agreed.
Duration of employment:
The appointment is for 4 years.
Applications received by 1st May 2022 will be given the fullest consideration. Applications consisting of:
1. curriculum vitae,
2. an outline of the research to be carried out during the post-doc of about 2-4 pages,
3. a writing sample of about 15-20 pages
should be sent by email to:
Two confidential letters of recommendation should also be sent by email to:
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