Am 5. und 6. Juli 2018 findet an der Technischen Universität Dresden unter dem Titel „Rights and Reciprocity“ ein Workshop mit Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s College London) statt. Zur Debatte stehen Themen und Thesen seines Buchs Humanity without Dignity. Johannes Haaf, Jan-Philipp Kruse und Luise K. Müller laden ein, Beitragsvorschläge (500 Worte) bis zum 30. April 2018 bei Johannes Haaf ( einzureichen. Der vollständige Call findet sich hier und nach dem Klick.
Rights and Reciprocity
Call for Papers
Workshop w/ Andrea Sangiovanni on themes of Humanity without Dignity
July 5-6, 2018, Technische Universität Dresden
In his recent book Humanity without Dignity: Moral Equality, Respect, and Human Rights (HUP, 2017), Andrea Sangiovanni advocates for a radical shift in the understanding of our fundamental commitment to moral equality. Instead of being grounded in some common capacity which bestows equal worth on all persons, Sangiovanni argues that our commitment is better explained in terms of a rejection of inequality or, more precisely, by focusing on why and when it is wrong to treat others as inferior. The workshop aims at an in-depth discussion of this negative conception of moral equality and its refusal of dignity-first views as well as its manifold implications.
We invite contributions of 20-25 minutes that comment on and explore further these arguments. Areas of thematic focus are the social grounds of moral equality, explaining discrimination, the broad view on human rights, and, in addition, the concept and value of solidarity. For proposed contributions to one of these sections, please submit a one-page abstract (max. 500 words), including institutional affiliation and contact information by April 30, 2018 to We especially welcome contributions by doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. Contributors’ travel and accommodation costs can be covered if necessary.
The workshop is organized by Johannes Haaf, Jan-Philipp Kruse, and Luise K. Müller, supported by the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Theory at TU Dresden (Sabine Müller-Mall) and the Collaborative Research Centre 1285. The project is part of TU Dresden’s Institutional Strategy, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.
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