| CfA: Summer School zu „Grenzen“ in Bremen
15. Oktober 2014, Voelsen
Unter dem Titel „Borders, Borderthinking, Borderlands“ findet im kommenden Mai an der Uni eine Summer School statt, die sich diesem Themenkomplex aus post-kolonialer Perspektive widmen möchte. Deadline für die Bewerbungen ist der 20. Dezember diesen Jahres. Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung gibt es nach dem Klick, alle Infos als pdf außerdem hier.
Call for Applications: Summer Institute ‘Borders, Borderthinking, Borderlands’, Universität Bremen, 15-26 May 2015
From May 15. to 26. 2015, a Summer Institute on ‘Borders, Borderthinking, Borderlands’ will be held at the University of Bremen. The Summer Institute will propose a critical epistemology of borders, focusing on border making, border contestation and new border imaginations with a special emphasis on work done in the field of Black Studies. It will propose a re-evaluation of the state of humanities in light of the challenge anti-colonial struggles and decolonization processes have and still are posing to ‘borders’. Organized in cooperation between the Bremen Black Knowledges Research Group, the Bremen Institute for Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University (Center for Global Studies and the Humanities), this will be the first session in a series of yearly Summer Institutes.
Deadline for applications is December 20. 2014. For further information, please download the Call for Applications from or write to
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