CfP: „Workings of Democracy“ in Island

Folgender Call for Papers könnte für DemokratietheoretikerInnen interessant sein: Es geht um eine Tagung zum Thema „Workings of Democracy: Practices, Norms and Understanding“ im Mai 2015 im schönen Rejkyavik, die Deadline ist allerdings schon am 1. Oktober! Alles Weitere nach dem Klick:Call for papers:


Centre for Ethics at the University of Iceland
University of Iceland, May 27-–29, 2015

Keynote speaker: SIMONE CHAMBERS (University of Toronto)

The conference is being organised to facilitate critical and conceptual
analyses of democratic theory and practices. In particular, the aim is to
bring together perspectives on key issues such as democratic
representation, accountability, political participation and institutional
venues for deliberation. Furthermore, the aim of this conference is to
evaluate the role rational deliberations in improving democratic practices
in Western liberal democracies and to investigate whether discursive
competencies can be further systematically introduced into the
contemporary democratic landscapes.

In 2013, the Centre for Ethics at the University of Iceland organised a
three year inter-disciplinary research project, “How Does Democracy Work
in Iceland? Practices, norms and understanding”. One of the objectives of
this research project is to bring current international discussion and
normative research on the challenges facing contemporary democracy to
Iceland. Hosting an international conference is a major step towards this
objective. The conference is open to researchers from all fields of human
and social sciences. We invite theoretical, comparative and empirical
approaches on the following themes:

a. Models of democracy, e.g. liberal, republican and deliberative
b. Democratic role and standing of media
c. Consensus decision-making
d. Constitutions in a time of crisis
e. Accountability and transparency
f. Preparation of policy and legislation
g. The future of democratic education and education for democracy

For paper submissions, please submit an abstract (max. 500 words) in
English by 1 October 2014 to Henry Alexander Henrysson (
<> You will receive a notification about the
acceptance of your paper by 15 October 2014.

Conference Fee: 200 EUR. Participants are expected to cover their travel
and accommodation costs.

For further information please contact the organiser Henry Alexander
Henrysson ( <> or Professor Vilhjalmur Arnason
( <>, chairman of the Centre for
Ethics and principal investigator of the research project.