CfP: St Anthony’s International Review (STAIR) Ausgabe zu „Thinking Beyond the State“

Das St Anthony’s International Review (STAIR) bittet für seine Ausgabe zum Thema „Thinking Beyond the State: Redistribution, Responsibility, and Response-ability“ um Einsendungen von Artikeln. Bis zum 1. Juni sollten Abstracts von 500 Wörtern eingereicht werden, die dann begutachtet werden. Bei Annahme sind die vollständigen Artikel von bis zu 6000 Wörtern bis zum 1. September einzureichen. Mehr Informationen erhaltet Ihr wie immer nach dem Klick. Abstracts due: June 1, 2013
Papers due: September 1, 2013
Maximum length of articles: 6000 words

Thinking Beyond the State: Redistribution, Responsibility, and Response-ability

As democratic struggles such as Occupy Wall Street erupt across the world, citizens are rethinking the scope of communities across state lines. These movements challenge the ability of states to adequately respond to problems of distributive justice that are global in scope. Given their global nature, there is a call for simply expanding state communities to a larger cooperative framework of states (e.g. European Union, African Union, NATO). Jürgen Habermas, for instance, argues that the European project should realize its democratic potential by evolving from an international into a cosmopolitan community. On the other hand, worldwide problems do not necessarily require a mere aggregation of states, since this move would fail to address problems inherent in statist models. In this context, a growing interdisciplinary field of research probes these contemporary issues of global justice. Theoretical approaches range from nationalism and cosmopolitanism to anarchism and post-colonialism. We are looking for submissions that challenge and transgress established statist approaches to global justice.

St Antony’s International Review (STAIR), a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of International Affairs, based at the University of Oxford, is issuing a special edition to foster critical debate about issues of global justice by inviting theoretical and empirical contributions from a range of disciplines, including Political Philosophy, Political Science, International Relations, Law, Gender and Postcolonial Studies, and from activist perspectives. STAIR welcomes insightful submissions focusing on one or more interrelated dimensions of this topic:

First, redistributive justice in an unjust world encompasses the following questions:
· who is included within systems of distributive justice (humans, nonhumans, states, etc.)?
· who are the rightful recipients of goods and who is obligated to distribute these goods?
· what should the recipients have fair shares of (income, political influence, rights etc.)?
· and finally what is the criterion of distribution (equality, desert, capability etc.)?

Second, how should we re-conceive of responsibility to others beyond national boundaries:
· To what extent does responsibility exist beyond state communities?
· Given assymmetries of power, how ought we conceive of responsibility between privileged and underprivileged people(s)?

Third, how is our responsibility predicated on our ability to respond?
· What role do emotions and passions (e.g. pity, patriotism, fear, envy etc.) play for our ability to respond?
· How are ideas of moral obligations (e.g. fraternity) grounded in such emotions?

STAIR welcomes abstracts up to 500 words in length. STAIR also publishes book reviews of works related to this theme. Please submit your abstracts to For more details regarding the submission procedures please consult