Die Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences der Universität Luzern veranstaltet vom 14. bis 18. Oktober eine Masterclass mit Nancy Fraser zum Thema „Crisis, Critique, Capitalism“. Mehr Informationen erhalt Ihr nach dem Klick. Eure Bewerbung muss bis zum 29. März bei Dr. Christina Cuonz (christina.cuonz@unilu.ch) eingegangen sein. Crisis, Critique, Capitalism
The Scholar
Nancy Fraser is Henry A. Loeb Professor of Philosophy and Politics at the New School for Social Research in New York. An Einstein Fellow of the city of Berlin, she holds the Chair «Rethinking social justice in a globaliz-ing world» at the Collège d’études mondiales, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme. Among her widely discussed publications are Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis (2013), Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World (2008), Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics (2008), Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (2003), co-authored with Axel Honneth, Mapping the Radical Imagination: Between Redistribution and Recognition (2003), Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the „Postsocialist“ Condition (1997), Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory (1989). Nancy Fraser currently works on a book-project entitled “Crisis, Critique, Capitalism: Re-reading Marx, Polanyi, and Habermas in the 21st Century.”
The Topic
In recent decades, critical theorists have largely abandoned the project of a “crisis critique” of capitalist society, aimed at conceptualizing the latter’s inherently self-destabilizing tendencies, its characteristic forms of domina-tion and social struggle, and its prospects for emancipatory social transformation. Today, however, the need for such critique is more urgent than ever. Yet far from returning to earlier models, the project must be recon-structed in a form adequate to the 21st century. Eschewing a one-dimensional focus on the economy, today’s critical theory must conceptualize the interpenetration of that aspect with other fundamental dimensions of the present crisis – ecological, political, cultural and social-reproductive. Equally important, it must incorporate the insights of new paradigms of critical theorizing, above all feminism, postcolonialism, and ecological thought, without abandoning the classical aspiration to conceptualize capitalist society as a social totality. In order to advance this project, the course will revisit three ambitious and powerful critiques of capitalist crisis: Karl Marx’s Capital, Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, and Jürgen Habermas’s Legitimation Crisis. The aim of the course is to identify the respective blindspots and insights of each of these works, to reconstruct their problematic aspects, and to synthesize their best insights, all for the sake of developing an adequate model of crisis critique for the capitalism of the 21st century.
The Class
The class will begin on the 14th of October at 13.00 h. The daily schedule will be from 9.00-12.30 h and from 15.30-18.30 h and on two evenings from 19.30-21.00 h. There will be an afternoon for recreation in the Lu-cerne area. Participants will discuss Nancy Fraser’s recent work but also present and discuss their own pro-jects.
The Master Class addresses doctoral students from disciplines such as Philosophy, Political Science, Gender Studies, Sociology and Global Studies. The focus will be on doctoral students from Switzerland but foreign applications are welcomed.
Please send your application till March 29, 2013 to the following e-mail-address: christina.cuonz@unilu.ch or to
Dr. des. Christina Cuonz
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Lucerne
Frohburgstrasse 3, Postfach 4466
CH-6002 Lucerne
Questions may also be addressed to Christina Cuonz.
Please provide a short statement of motivation, a CV and a short description (no more than one page) of your current dissertation project. Postdocs may be admitted on the basis of individual decision.
Tuition: 400 CHF
Depending on funding, the organizing body of the Master Class, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne, will try to cover all travel, catering and accommodation expenses; how-ever, if applicants can muster support from their respective home institution, this is welcome.
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