Für das akademische Jahr 2013/14 werden an der Kolleg-Forschergruppe Justitia Amplificata wieder drei Post-Doc-Fellows aus dem Bereich Politische Theorie/Politische Philosophie gesucht. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 7. April, alle Infos findet ihr unter dem Strich.
Call for applications
Post-doctoral Fellowships
Political Theory/Political Philosophy
University of Frankfurt – Centre for Advanced Studies „Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice – Applied and Global”
Duration and Starting Date: 12 months, starting on either September 1st or October 1st 2013, according to the fellows’ convenience.
The Centre for Advanced Studies „Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice – Applied and Global”, funded by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) at the University of Frankfurt is seeking to appoint up to three post-doctoral fellows in political theory/political philosophy for the academic year 2013/2014.
Candidates should have completed, or be close to the completion of, a doctorate in political theory/political philosophy, and should have proven potential to conduct and publish research at an international level. Candidates’ research should fall within the Centre’s areas of focus, namely global justice and applied theories of justice, as well as methodological questions on how to apply theories of justice to non-ideal circumstances.
Please send your application in English (a 2-3 page research project, CV, writing sample of preferably not more than 7,000 words [can be an excerpt], and two letters of reference) to the administrative officer of Justitia Amplificata, Ms Valérie Bignon, bignon@em.uni-frankfurt.de.
Closing date is April 7st 2013.
For further information regarding the centre, its members, and its activities, please click here (http://www.justitia-amplificata.de/index.html ).
For the conditions of award of the fellowship, please click here (http://www.justitia-amplificata.de/en/postdoctoral-fellowship-programme/conditions-of-award.html ).
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