Calls: ECPR (Bordeaux) und ECPG (Barcelona)

Die europäische Politikwissenschaft bietet wieder einige interessante Veranstaltungen, wo auch Theoretiker gerne gesehen werden oder sich noch mehr einbringen könnten:

Da ist zum einen die nächste General Conference in Bordeaux im September 2013. Derzeit (bis zum 05.September) läuft der Call for Panels und es gibt eine explizite Sektion zu Politischer Theorie (International Political Legitimacy: Normative Theory for Real World Politics) sowie viele interessante Sektionen und Panels, wo theoretische Sachen vorgeschlagen werden können (z.B. der unten stehende Call for Paper zu „Authority and Contestation of International Institutions“).

In Barcelona findet außerdem die European Conference on Politics and Gender statt (21.23. März). Auch hier gibt es explizit eine Sektion für die Politische Theorie, wo noch bis zum 01. Oktober Einreichungen möglich sind. Alle Infos und die Einreichprozedur auf der Webseite der Sektion.

*Call for Papers*

*Two panels on „Authority and Contestation of International Institutions“*

7th ECPR General Conference, 5-7 September 2013, Bordeaux

We invite papers to contribute to our envisaged panels on „Authority and Contestation of International Institutions“ at the 7th ECPR General Conference in Bordeaux in September 2013.

The increased institutionalization and transnationalization of world politics challenges the traditional notion of sovereignty based on the principle of non-intervention into domestic affairs and the consensus principle for agreements among states. This in turn raises questions about the nature and extent of authority and legitimacy beyond the nation state. Important international institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF or the EU increasingly take their decisions by majority voting, and have acquired important competencies such as monitoring or rule interpretation. Furthermore, transnational processes and actors play a much greater role than in the past.

Parallel to these developments, we observe contestation within key international organizations, in particular by so-called „rising powers“ such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and by transnational nongovernmental organizations. These two groups of actors contest international organizations on different grounds and with different objectives: NGOs criticize in-transparent procedures and demand access to the decision-making process, „rising powers“ demand more egalitarian participation among states. However, both groups of actors agree in their criticism of the „pro-Western“ bias of international institutions.

Against the backdrop of these developments we would like to invite empirical and conceptual papers which deal, inter alia, with the following questions:

– Who are the relevant „agents of contestation“ addressing demands and criticism at international institutions?
– What are the issues and fields of contestation around which contestation is raised by „rising powers“ and transnational NGOs in particular? Conversely, which issues are characterized by a lack of contestation?
– How do non-state actors and „rising powers“ differ in their criticism and demands addressed at international institutions? What are possible commonalities?
– On what grounds do non-state actors and „rising powers“ contest international institutions? What are the underlying concepts and norms which inspire these critiques?
– What repercussions do these forms of contestation develop for „authority beyond the nation state“ and its legitimacy?

Please submit your paper proposal (350 words maximum)

*until 28 September 2012*


Kristina Hahn, GIGA, Hamburg;
Dirk Peters, HSFK, Frankfurt a.M;
Matthew D. Stephen, WZB, Berlin;

You will be informed about whether or not your paper will be included in the proposal by 5 October. However, we will not know whether the proposed panels will be accepted by the ECPR until early December 2012.

Ein Kommentar zu “Calls: ECPR (Bordeaux) und ECPG (Barcelona)

  1. Liebes Theorieblogteam, liebe Theorieblogleser,

    Vielen Dank für die vielen Beiträge und Informationen. Leider blicke ich bei der ECPR Organisation – auch aufgrund von wiedersprüchlichen Informationen auf deren Website – noch nicht ganz durch. Vielleicht hat ja jemand Lust mir (und vielleicht anderen?) kurz zu erklären wer sich wo bis wann mit was bewerben kann? Dh. bewerben sich Wissenschaftler mit einem Paper bei den Sektionen die dann damit ein Panel einreichen? Oder bewerben sich Wissenschaftler mit einem Paper wenn die Panels stehen?

    Vielen Dank schon im voraus!

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