CfA: Lecturer-Position an der UCL für Political Theory

Am University College London ist eine Stelle als Lecturer für Politische Theorie ausgeschrieben. Die School of Public Policy bietet ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld und hat auch ein gutes Masterprogramm mit einem nicht kleinen Anteil an Politischer Theorie und Rechtsphilosophie. Unter anderem lehren Richard Bellamy, Cécile Laborde und Jonathan Wolff dort. Wer sich bewerben will, muss promoviert sein und etwas Erfahrung mitbringen. Eine Bewerbung ist bis zum 10. September 2012 möglich, die Stelle wird dann allerdings erst ein Jahr später angetreten. Viel Erfolg!

Department / Division: UCL Department of Political Science/School of Public Policy

Grade: Grade 7/8

Hours: Full time

Salary (inclusive of London allowance)

Salary will be on the UCL Lecturer A or B salary scale grade 7, (£35,707 – £38,744 per annum), or grade 8, (£39,818 – £46,972 per annum) inclusive of London Allowance.

Duties and Responsibilities

UCL wishes to appoint a Lecturer in Political Theory to contribute to research and teaching within the Department of Political Science/School of Public Policy. The new lecturer will undertake research of the highest international standards within his or her own specialist field, which will contribute to the research standing and culture of the Department.

The new lecturer will be the Programme Director for the MA in Legal and Political Theory. The successful candidate may be an expert in any area of political theory but will be expected to teach the core MA course in political theory methods and should be conversant with the dominant approaches used by Anglophone academic political theorists. They will also offer at least one, possibly two new Masters’ courses that complement existing offerings.

This appointment is available from 1st September 2013.

Key Requirements

Candidates must have a PhD in politics, political theory or a related relevant discipline, a proven track record of publications in leading journals and/or major university presses and a demonstrated ability to win grant-funding and to undertake international quality academic research.

Further Information

To apply for this vacancy please visit and search using reference 1268789.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Cecile Laborde ( If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact Sydonnie Hyman (email: telephone: +44 (0) 207 679 4944).

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 5pm, 10th September 2012.

It is anticipated that short listed candidates will be invited to an interview in early October.