Workshop: Justice and Legitimacy in Global Governance (St. Gallen)

Am 13. und 14. September findet an der Universität St. Gallen ein Workshop zu Gerechtigkeit und Legitimation in Global Governance statt. Auf dem von Andrew Walton organisierte Workshop wird es unter anderem Beiträge von Sofia Näsström zu Demokratieanforderungen, Miriam Ronzoni zu transnationalem politischen Handeln und Leif Wenar zum (Mis-)Governance geben. Wer teilnehmen will, findet hier oder unter dem Strich alle Informationen. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

Workshop: Justice and Legitimacy in Global Governance
Hosted by the Global Democratic Governance Profile Area, Department of Political Science, University of St. Gallen
Dates: 13th–14th September 2012
The topic of global justice is an increasingly important subject of research and has been devoted considerable attention in recent literature. There have been many discussions, for example, of the normative foundations which give rise to the existence of demands of justice. We have also witnessed the development of a number of theories of global justice and many statements on the particulars of what global justice requires.

In the context of this debate it is important to investigate which institutional structures are appropriate and legitimate for the implementation and governance of global justice. This workshop seeks to explore research being developed in this area. It seeks to explore which political and social institutions can and should be utilised in realising global justice, what criteria should be used to assess global institutions, the extent to which existing forms of global governance meet these criteria, and what steps can and should be taken to improve the contemporary world order.

The following papers will feature at the workshop:

  • What Democracy Requires
    Sofia Näsström, Uppsala University
  • Justice and Accountability in the Global Order
    Mathias Risse, Harvard University
  • Internationalist agenda, transnational political action
    Miriam Ronzoni, University of Frankfurt
  • Human Rights, Sovereignty and the Legitimacy of International Law
    John Tasioulas, University College London
  • Today’s Deep Global (Mis-)Governance
    Leif Wenar, Kings College London

More information on the workshop can be found at

For further details and registration for the workshop (please note, places are very limited), please contact:

Andrew Walton

Department of Political Science
University of St. Gallen
Rosenbergstrasse 51
9000 St. Gallen

Tel. +41 (0)71 224 23 14