| CfA: Dreijähriger Post-Doc in Oxford
26. Oktober 2011, Voelsen
Am Nuffield College der Oxford University wird gerade zum September 2012 eine dreijährige Post-Doc-Stelle im Bereich der politischen Philosophie ausgeschrieben. Ein paar allgemeine Infos gibt es hier; die Details nach dem Klick:
Nuffield College intends to appoint, with effect from 1 September 2012, a postdoctoral prize research fellowship in political philosophy. This is in addition to the research fellowships that it offers in the social sciences generally, and the terms and conditions will be the same. These are available at There will be no separate procedure for appointing to this post, so those who wish to apply should do so as part of the general competition, for which the closing date is Monday 7th November 2011. General enquiries about the fellowships should be directed to the administrator at, but for questions about political philosophy specifically contact David Miller at
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