In Warwick findet am 8ten und 9ten September eine Konferenz statt, die „Confronting the Global: Alternatives Alterity, Solidarity“ betitelt ist. Wer ein Papier einreichen will, ist dazu von den Organisatoren (dem Anarchist Study Network) bis zum 02. Mai herzlich aufgefordert. Interessant dürfte auch sein, dass wohl Mittel für die Anreise zur Verfügung stehen und ein Sammelband aus der Konferenz hervorgehen soll. Alle Infos unter dem Strich oder hier
Call for Papers
*Confronting the Global: Alternatives, Alterity, Solidarity*
Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, 8th-9th September, 2011
Conference co-convened by the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, BISA Poststructuralist Politics Working Group, BISA International Political Economy Group, BISA Marxism and International Relations Group.
*Supported by*:
The Political Studies Association, the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, and the International Political Economy Group.
*Plenary Roundtable*:
Dr Gurminder Bhambra (Warwick), Dr Richard Day (Queens University,
Ontario), Professor John Hobson (Sheffield)
The aim of this conference is to nourish intellectual affinities and build research synergies across a broad cross-section of critical approaches to ‚the global‘. This conference follows from an ESRC supported conference on ‚Anarchism and World Politics‘, held at the University of Bristol in June 2010, and the subsequent forum in Millennium: Journal of International Studies (39:2, 2010). Anarchist approaches to the global, characterised mainly by a desire for a radical, fuller democratic agency in world affairs and the eschewal of the state to this end, raise interesting questions about both how we conceive of agency in the international domain and how we conceptualise the global itself. Anarchists are not the only ones with answers to these questions, but they have hitherto been marginal to the debates. This conference seeks to build solidarities and to widen the terms of debate.
The conference will explore questions of ‚the global‘ from anarchist, Marxist, feminist, post-colonial, post-structuralist and other ‚radical‘ approaches to global politics. It seeks to bring together a wide range of scholars with the aim of exploring the affinities and differences between and within these approaches, and to consider the productive spaces for praxis which might be generated from intellectual engagement.
We welcome scholars from international relations, sociology, philosophy, geography, anthropology and beyond, and we encourage contributions that reflect on questions such as:
– How should we understand ‚the global‘?
– What is internationalism in the 21st century?
– How do commitments to localism intersect with a global focus?
– What are the radical alternatives to statism at a global level?
– Do totalising visions necessarily engender totalising polities?
– What is the proper relationship between academic analysis and social movements?
– How might we situate existing work on the intersections between anarchism and poststructuralism within the context of world politics?
– What lessons can gendered approaches to world politics offer for other radical theories?
– How have globalised resistance movements responded to changing forms of capitalism and hegemony?
– How does a postcolonial imagination affect the nature and practice of solidarity?
– How might we think the ethics of resistance within and beyond state forms?
– What place do Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, Butler and other poststructuralist theorists have for theorising resistance in the context of the international?
– What relevance do Marxist theories of international relations have for anarchists, and vice versa?
– How should anarchists approach dominant theories of ‚anarchy‘ in the international arena?
The conference will take place across two days in September 2011, and will be hosted at the department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick. The conference is supported by the PSA Anarchist Studies Network (ASN), the BISA International Political Economy Group (IPEG) and the BISA Poststructural Politics Working Group (PPWG). It is funded by IPEG, the Central for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalism (CSGR) at the University of Warwick, and through the Political Studies Association specialist activities fund. Following the conference, the intention is to collect a selection of the best papers into an edited volume and we are actively seeking publishers.
Places for paper-givers will be strictly limited. Funding will be made available for paper-giving delegates, with further space provided for a number of non-presenting attendees. The conference organisers will arrange refreshments and lunch on both days, with a conference dinner for all registered attendees on the evening of the first day.
Accommodation details will be provided and subsidised, and limited travel funding will be available, to be allocated on the basis of need. There will be a small registration fee, but substantial bursaries will be made available.
*Paper submission*
We welcome paper, panel, roundtable and workshop proposals. Please send a 250 word abstract outlining the aims and scope of your proposal to Chris Rossdale ( by /*Monday May 2nd, 2011*.
Please ensure you include your name, contact details and a short academic biography (100 words) with your abstract. If you would like to be considered for a conference bursary, please indicate the amount you will need clearly.
For further information, please contact Chris Rossdale
( or Alex Prichard (
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