CfP: Politische Theorie Konferenz an der University of Notre Dame

Vom13. bis zum 15.  Oktober des neuen Jahres wird an der University of Notre Dame das alljährliche Treffen der Assocation for Political Theory abgehalten, der Call for Papers ist sehr weit gefasst und geht bis zum 15. Februar. Mehr Infos hier oder unter dem Strich.

The Association for Political Theory (APT) invites proposals for its ninth annual conference, October 13-15, 2011, at the University of Notre Dame.  To learn more about the Association and its annual conference, please visit the APT website.  The Association for Political Theory welcomes proposals from all approaches and on all topics in political theory, political philosophy, and the history of political thought.  Faculty, advanced PhD candidates, and independent scholars are eligible to participate.  We also encourage faculty to volunteer to serve as chairs and/or discussants.

How to Apply:  To apply online, click here. Proposals are due by midnight on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 (PST).  Please review the proposal guidelines described below before completing a proposal form.  Each participant may submit one paper and one co-authored paper proposal.  To propose a paper, each participant must submit an abstract of 300-400 words and a recent copy of his/her vita.  If a copy of the CV can be found online, the applicant can provide the web address in the relevant box on the proposal form.  Otherwise, the applicant must email a copy of the CV to aptproposals [at] with his or her name as the subject line.  Each participant is required to submit a proposal form, even if the proposal is part of a co-authored paper.  Please note:  you must both submit the proposal form and email your CV in order for your proposal to be considered by the Program Committee.


Chairs/Discussants:  If you wish to participate as a chair and/or discussant, please note your areas of expertise and interest in the relevant box on the proposal form. You may offer to serve in both of these roles, but the Program Committee prefers to limit volunteers to one role to ensure broad participation in the conference. Presenting a paper does not preclude one from serving as a chair or a discussant in another panel.

Pre-circulation requirement: All papers accepted for the conference must be submitted electronically to an archive on the APT website no later than October 1, 2011. Please note that you should limit the length of your paper to 30 double-spaced pages of text so that discussants may provide suitable feedback. The archive will be password-protected so that access is limited to members of APT. Participants who fail to submit their paper to the archive by October 1, 2011 will be removed from the program.

Membership: Participation in the conference requires membership in the Association.  Membership is free.  Papers are available to APT members only, so conference participants will need to join APT in order to receive access to the archive. Click here to submit a membership application.

Questions and assistance: For questions about the program or proposal guidelines, or if you have any difficulty submitting a proposal form, please contact the Program Committee Co-Chairs, Alisa Kessel (akessel [at] and Amit Ron (amit.ron [at]

***NEW APT INITIATIVE FOR 2011: Working Group Panel
“Power, Democracy, and the City”

This group is part of APT’s new Working Group initiative. Participants will engage in pre-conference dialogue as they prepare their papers, and the panel will serve as one moment in a longer collaboration. The format will enable scholars working on similar questions to learn from each other, develop their ideas over time, and create professional networks. The group will be chaired by Clarissa Hayward of Washington University in St. Louis. The intention is to submit the papers from this panel as a proposed special issue in the Journal of Power.  Participants must have a first draft completed by August 15, 2011, and be ready at that time to share their work-in-progress and to comment on the work of the other participants. Just as for any APT paper, a polished version must be completed in time for presentation at the fall conference. For more information on this year’s working group theme, visit the APT Gateway website.

Potential participants should submit proposals via the proposal form and must indicate that they want their proposal to be considered for the working group panel. (You can submit the same proposal for both the working group panel and the general APT program, if you wish.) Papers will be selected by the working group panel chair and the APT program committee based on fit and strength. Generally, participants in APT working groups are expected to be at a post-dissertation stage of their career and to have begun publishing scholarly work. Once participants are notified of their acceptance and confirm their willingness to participate, members will develop a work-plan and schedule that include an initial re-reading and discussion of Robert Dahl’s Who Governs? followed by the sharing of work in progress.

[via Public Reason]