| CfP: Konferenz zu politischer Philosophie und ethischer Theorie (Northwestern University)
21. Dezember 2010, Thiel
An der Northwestern University wird in diesem Jahr zum fünften Mal eine Konferenz zu Politischer Philosophie und ethischer Theorie ausgerichtet (19-21. Mai). Philip Pettit und R. Jay Wallace werden auf der Konferenz als Keynote-Speaker auftreten und Beiträge zu deren Werk dürfen in besonderem Maße auf Annahme hoffen, grundsätzlich darf sich aber wohl jeder bewerben und möglich ist dies bis zum 15. Februar mit einem kurzen Abstract. Mehr Informationen nach dem Strich oder hier.
Northwestern SETPP: 19-21 May 2011 | CFP: 15 February 2011
The Northwestern University Society for Ethical Theory and Political Philosophy will hold their fifth annual conference on 19-21 May 2011. The keynote speakers are Philip Pettit and R. Jay Wallace. Submissions from faculty and graduate students are welcome, as some sessions will be reserved for student presentations. Please submit an essay of approximately 4000 words and an abstract of at most 150 words. Essay topics in all areas of ethical theory and political philosophy will be considered, although some priority will be given to essays that take up themes from the works of Philip Pettit and R. Jay Wallace, such as responsibility, practical reasoning, freedom, democratic theory, constructivism, contractualism, individual agency, and collective agency. Essays and abstracts should be prepared for blind review in word, rtf, or pdf format. Graduate submissions should be sent by email to leegoldsmith2012 [at]; faculty submissions should be sent by e-mail to garthoff [at] Notices of acceptance will be sent by 31 March 2011. For more information, please contact Jon Garthoff at the e-mail address above or visit our website.
[via Public Reason]
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