Auch wenn die WM vorbei ist, dürfte die unten stehende Stellenausschreibung aus Südafrika den ein oder anderen doch interessieren. In aller Kürze: An der Universität in Johannesburg werden zwei, zunächst auf ein Jahr angelegte Postdoc-Stellen ausgeschrieben. Das Forschungsthema bringt man selbst mit, aber man scheint an der Uni breit aufgestellt und es wird explizit nach Expertise in politischer Theorie und Philosophie gefragt. Betreuender Professor ist Lawrence Hamilton.
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are on offer for one year
(renewable for another) in the Department of Politics, University of
Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa. They will be under the mentorship of
Professor Lawrence Hamilton, who holds a South African National
Research Foundation President’s Award. The fellowship can be taken up
from 15 January 2011, and is set at the UJ’s rate for postdoctoral
fellowships, currently R170 000 per annum, sufficient to cover living
UJ is now a unique environment in South Africa for research in
political thought and theory. Existing researchers include a group of
at least twenty professors, lecturers, postdoctoral fellows and
research graduates working on a variety of topics within the history of
political thought and political philosophy, including freedom; power;
human needs and rights; luck egalitarianism; political judgement;
constitutionalism; justice and poverty; Islamic political thought;
environmental ethics and politics; the intellectual history of freedom
in America; African political thought; the thought of Machiavelli,
Rousseau and Marx, amongst others; and public debt in South Africa.
Applicants should not feel, however, that they have to restrict their
research proposals to these or cognate areas. The proposed postdoctoral
research can be on any topic within the fields of history of political
thought, political philosophy or political theory – including research
that makes use of empirical analysis and case studies to further the
understanding or applicability of a question within political theory.
The final choice of candidate will not be influenced by their choice of
research topic.
Candidates are only eligible if they have been awarded a doctoral
degree within the last five years; and, if they have yet to receive the
degree, they must have it in hand by the time they take up the
position, or preferably by the end of 2010. Interested candidates
should email their curriculum vitae, the names of three referees, an
example of their written (preferably published) work of about 10 000
words, and a one-page summary of their proposed postdoctoral research
to Professor Hamilton ( or
by 30 September 2010. They can also post their applications to:
Professor Lawrence Hamilton, Department of Politics, University of
Johannesburg, P.O. Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa, making
sure they arrive by the deadline. The successful candidate will be
informed by the 15 October 2010.
[via IB-Liste]
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