CfP: Geschlecht und Politik in transnationaler Perspektive

Ende November findet in Frankfurt ein zweitägiger Workshop zu „Re-Imagining Gender and Politics. Transnational Feminist Interventions“ statt, für den bis zum 31. August Beiträge eingereicht werden können. Der sehr spannend klingende Aufruf spannt ein weites Feld an möglichen Themen auf: Von Migration über Fragen globaler Gerechtigkeit bis in zu Formen der Arbeit und zur Friedenssicherung. Lest weiter unten genaueres:



27. – 28. November 2010 at Goethe-University Frankfurt

Working Group “Gender and Politics” in co-operation with the

Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies, Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”

Since its inception in the 1980s, the feminist perspective has increasingly established itself within Political Science. Research, located in the various sub-disciplines and research fields – be it in International Relations, in Political Theory and the History of Ideas or policy analysis – have challenged the respective dominant paradigms and concepts from a feminist perspective. The analyses, which have emerged from this context, on the one hand investigate the differential impact of political regimes on men and women, and supplement these on the other hand by examining gender dynamics as well as the production and stabilization of gender(ed) norms and orders in their studies. Moreover, in adopting a transnational perspective on the interplay between gender and politics, established assumptions and standards are being challenged. As a result nationally confined models of analysis are increasingly being replaced by transnational framings, which simultaneously pursue comprehensive and differentiated analyses of global relations of power and domination. While doing this, the interplay and mutual entanglements of local, national and transnational levels are focused upon.

We propose to encourage re-visions of the relation between gender and politics from a transnational perspective: For one, we aim to take stock of existing research on inter- and transnational politics from a feminist perspective. Amongst other things, the interaction between the categories race, class, gender, religion, sexuality and caste, as informed by colonialism are to be analyzed for their current relevance on the constitution of global politics. On which conceptions of transnationalism do feminist analyses fall back on? Which theoretical-conceptual extensions have these undertaken in the research fields of International Relations, International Political Economics or comparative research on the welfare-state? For another, the goal is to carve out, which theoretical but also methodological demands emerge when a transnational perspective is applied to political and interdisciplinary research on gender relations. The conference further aims to consider and evaluate transnational feminist politics within and around institutions, which have moved away from the idea of a ‚Global Sisterhood‘ or a ‚universal patriarchy‘, towards a position that regards the interplay of gender and power as being context-specific and simultaneously acknowledges the complex nature of global politics.

We invite paper proposals that adopt a feminist perspective on the following topics:

    Migration and Citizenship
    Multiculturalism, Nationalism und Cosmopolitanism
    Religion and Secularism
    Transnational Justice and Human Rights
    Transnational Social Movements, in particular Women’s Movements and Queer Activism
    (Post-)Development, Democracy und Decolonization
    Peacekeeping and Conflict Transformation
    Transnational Labor and Reproductive Work
    Transnational Production, International Trade and Local Economies

Conference languages are German and English.

Registration fees: 25 Euros/ reduced 15 Euro

Please submit abstracts (max. 350 words) and a short bio-note (max. 100 words) by 31. August 2010 to: