Konferenz in Manchester

Zum siebten Mal in Folge wird es im September diesen Jahres in Manchester eine Konferenz zur politischen Theorie in Workshop-Format geben. Angeboten werden dabei die folgenden Workshops:

* The Legitimacy of International Law (Dean Machin, University of Warwick, D.J.Machin@warwick.ac.uk)

* Democratic Public Reason In Practice (Enrico Biale, UCL and University of Louvain, enrico.biale@uclouvain.be and Valeria Ottonelli, University of Genoa, vottonel@nous.unige.it.

* Green Political theory (Corey MacIver, Nuffield College, Oxford, corey.maciver@nuffield.ox.ac.uk)

* Radical Democracy (Clare Woodford, University of Southampton, cmw202@soton.ac.uk)

* Marxism (Mark Cowling, University of Teesside, C.M.Cowling@tees.ac.uk)

* Toleration and Respect: Concepts, Justifications and Applications (Emanuela Ceva, University of Pavia, emanuela.ceva@unipv.it , Sune Laegaard, University of Copenhagen, laegaard@hum.ku.dk and Federico Zuolo, University of Pavia, federico.zuolo@unipv.it

* Global Justice and Collective Responsibility (Avia Pasternak, University College, London, avia.pasternak@ucl.ac.uk)

* British Idealism (David Boucher, University of Cardiff, BoucherDE@cardiff.ac.uk)

* Anarchism (Alex Prichard University of Bristol, alprich@gmail.com)

* Bacon and Hobbes (Noel Boulting, nobossneb@clara.co.uk and Brendan O’Byrne, Trinity College, Dublin, )

* Just War Theory: Contemporary Failings and Challenges (Peter Sutch, University of Cardiff, SutchP@cardiff.ac.uk and Graham Long, University of Newcastle, g.m.long@ncl.ac.uk)

* The Idea of Friendship in Political Theory (Derek Edyvane, University of Leeds, D.J.Edyvane@leeds.ac.uk and Kerri Woods, University of York, kaw507@york.ac.uk.

* The Political Thought of Antonio Gramsci: New Developments in Theory and Practice (Mark Mcnally, University of Leeds, M.A.Mcnally@leeds.ac.uk)

* Feminist Theory (Becca Lawrence, University of Durham, 0becca.lawrence0@googlemail.com )

* Political Theory and Animal Rights (Rob Garner, University of Leicester, rwg2@leicester.ac.uk)

* Fictional Accounts of Domination and Resistance (Ian Fraser, Loughborough University, I.Fraser@lboro.ac.uk and Larry Wilde, Nottingham Trent University, )

* ‚Dirty Hands‘ (Michael Neu, University of Sheffield, M.Neu@sheffield.ac.uk)

* Classical and Modern Elite Theory (Körösényi András, Eotvos University of Budapest, korosen@t-online.hu and John Higley, University of Texas, jhigley@austin.utexas.edu)

* The Historian and the Shaping of Political Ideology (Aude Attuel-Hallade, University of St. Andrews, audeattuel@yahoo.fr)

Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung und alle Infos zur Anmeldung gibt es hier:

[Via Public Reason]

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