Public Reason heißt eine neue englischsprachige Zeitschrift deren Ausgaben als kostenlose PDF-Downloads zur Verfügung stehen. In der ersten Ausgabe finden sich mit Hillel Steiner und Peter Burgess durchaus prominente Autoren. Die Herausgeber sind Romulus Brancoveanu (Bukarest) und Thomas Pogge (Yale). Das Team von Public Reason ist übrings auch an der hier bereits beworbenen Konferenz zu Global Justice in Bukarest beteiligt. Das Mission-Statement der Zeitschrift hört sich auf jeden Fall vielversprechend an:
„Public Reason is a peer-reviewed journal of political and moral philosophy. Public Reason publishes articles, book reviews, as well as discussion notes from all the fields of political philosophy and ethics, including political theory, applied ethics, and legal philosophy. The Journal encourages the debate around rationality in politics and ethics in the larger context of the discussion concerning rationality as a philosophical problem.
Public Reason is committed to a pluralistic approach, promoting interdisciplinary and original perspectives as long as the ideal of critical arguing and clarity is respected. The journal is intended for the international philosophical community, as well as for a broader public interested in political and moral philosophy. It aims to promote philosophical exchanges with a special emphasis on issues in, and discussions on the Eastern European space.
Starting from 2010 Public Reason publishes two issues per year, in June and December. Public Reason is an open access e-journal, but it is also available in print.“
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