Ist die Demokratie aus erkenntnistheoretischen Gründen anderen Gesellschaftsordnungen vorzuziehen? Diese und weitere Fragen im Spannungsfeld von Epistemologie und Demokratie möchte eine Konferenz untersuchen, die im August in Kopenhagen stattfindet. Alle Infos und mehr zum CfP hier:
The second University of Copenhagen conference in epistemology will be held from 19-20 August 2010. The following is the description:
We tend to think of liberal democracy as providing the most ethically defensible way to set up a modern society. A separate yet highly relevant issue is whether liberal democracies also are preferable from an epistemological perspective, i.e., from the point of view of promoting true over false belief, knowledge over ignorance, and so on. The purpose of this conference — and of the research project that it is part of — is to investigate the norms, practices, and institutions that determine how belief and knowledge is acquired and transmitted in liberal democracies. Questions to be addressed include but are not limited to the following:
* Under what conditions is free speech a truth-conducive social arrangement?
* When can we trust each other’s testimony?
* What is the proper response to disagreement, including disagreements among experts?
* What is the proper role of scientific expertise in democratic decision making?
* How is the need for expertise to be balanced against the desire for adequate representation?
* What are the epistemological properties of social deliberation?Confirmed speakers include David Estlund (Brown), David Christensen (Brown), Jerry Gaus (Arizona), Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg), Rainer Hegselmann (Bayreuth), Vincent Hendricks (Copenhagen), Michael Lynch (UConn), and Erik J. Olsson (Lund).
We cordially invite you to submit a 500 word abstract on any topic relevant to the conference theme. Please prepare your abstract for anonymous review. Abstracts should be submitted (as a plain text, MS Word, or PDF file) to cph.epistemology [at] no later than April 1, 2010. Decisions regarding acceptance will be made within two weeks.
To register, please e-mail kappel [at] with your name and affiliation. There will be a registration fee of 200 DKK ($40, or €25) for faculty, and 100 DKK ($20, or €12) for students. There will also be an option to attend the conference dinner on the evening of August 19 at a cost of 400 DKK ($80, or €50). Please indicate in your registration if you wish to attend. All fees are due in full on the first day of the conference.
The conference is organized by the Social Epistemology Research Group (SERG) at the University of Copenhagen as part of the research project, the Epistemology of Liberal Democracy: Truth, Free Speech and Disagreement, conducted with generous support from the Velux Foundation.
[via Public Reason]
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