Call-for-Papers und Konferenz zur globalen Gerechtigkeit mit Thomas Pogge als Keynote-Speaker in Bukarest, Rumänien. Es soll auch ein Studenten-Panel geben! Details:
Global Justice. Concepts, Theories and Constraints: May 18-19, 2010 | CFP: 20 April 2010
Having gained an unprecedented urgency, the topic of global justice has received increasingly public and academic attention, and has lately become a central issue in moral and political philosophy. Our conference seeks to be a forum for discussing the most important theories of global justice, their central concepts and constraints.
Professor Thomas Pogge (Yale University) will deliver the conference keynote address.
The conference will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. The conference is organized by the The Center for the Study of Rationality and Beliefs as part of the research project Reason and Beliefs. Rationality, Public Reason and Education within a Multicultural Society financed by CNCSIS/UEFISCSU.
Submission of papers
We welcome papers concerning any topic related to global justice. Contributions are expected from researchers from different academic fields who are interested in the outlined topic or in closely related ones. Students are also invited to submit papers for the conference, as we intend to organize a student panel. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail as attachment at until the 20 April 2010. The deadline for submitting the full version of your paper is 10 May 2010. Along with the abstract, please send us your contact details: current affiliation, address and telephone number. The organizers cannot support any travel or accommodation costs.
The organizers intend to publish a volume including papers from the conference. Acceptance of the paper for the conference does not guarantee the inclusion in the proceedings. We kindly remind you that by submitting the paper you implicitly agree to allow its publication in the conference proceedings. For easier post-conference editorial work, it would be best if you would format your paper using Chicago style of reference, but this is not a formal condition for the publication.
The conference programme will be available soon here.
The Conference will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. The address is: Splaiul Independen?ei 204, Sector 6, postcode 060024, Bucharest. You can access one of Bucharest’ on-line maps here.
Emanuel-Mihail Socaciu
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Bucharest
Mircea Tobosaru
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Sciences
Politehnica University of Bucharest
PhD Student
Department of Philosophy
University of Bucharest
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